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The Ten Values Of Excellence are the research-based predictors of customer satisfaction, return and recommend rate and the measures of a World Class Organization.  Over 2 million respondents in hundreds of organizations and a wide range of industries define 'World Class' as scoring highly in each of these ten areas. 


The Ten Values Of Excellence are the formula for success in any customer-supplier relationship and in any industry.

Download this file (open and save to your computer) to print legal size 8.5" X 14"

Ideal to hang in every employee's work area.

Application of The Values Of Excellence can be statistically calculated to correlate with Customer Return and Recommend Rate - Satisfaction Behaviors.  


Any organization desires customers to give them positive feedback, return again and recommend them to others.  This happens when the supplier organization scores highly in each of The Ten Values Of Excellence.  


An inverse negative result will occur when the Supplier scores low in The Ten Values Of Excellence.  See the Customer Satisfaction Behavior Curve below.  

'World Class' is statistically defined by customers as scoring an overall average of 9.24 across all ten values of excellence.


The importance of integrating a high level of performance in each of the

Ten Values Of Excellence cannot be overstated. 













A complete 40 question organizational audit of your department or your entire workplace.  All of the sub-constructs of each of the ten values of excellence are included in anonymous

1 to 10 likert style questions with mean scores for each category and an overall mean score that will predict your current customer return and recommend rate.


You can complete the audit right now online and you will get a complete report emailed back to you in a few days which includes:


> Overall and question by question results

> Interpretation of your overall mean score and prediction of your current return 

​   and recommend rate as well as other findings about your organization.

> A 40 question Impact Chart will help you see the complete picture of Excellence       

    in your organization, and help you target improvements in the most strategic areas.

> A complete interpretation and improvement guide is included. 






















If you are a manager or leader who is interested in making improvements in how your organization functions - and to move towards becoming more World Class - then this audit process is exactly where you need to get started.


This is fresh management and satisfaction science that you have most likely not seens before - even though you will resonate with every aspect of what our research reveals and immediately want to apply what you learn in the process.


Take action now.  Apply the Ten Values of Excellence to your organization by performing this revealing self-audit and obtain an accurate baseline or where you are today.  This is the perspective you need along with identification of the strategic priorities that will move your department or your entire company towards becoming truly World Class.


Take the Organizational Audit Of Excellence Right Now - and get your complete organizational audit report back (in three days or less). 


This comprehensive organizational audit of excellence could be invaluable to your organization but you can complete it now for only $139. as a single audit respondent.



Get the validated and scientific intelligence you need to bring excellence to your organization. 

Only $139.

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