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How To Become a Better Team Player

All Day Training

9:00am – 5:00pm

Every employee can benefit by learning to work better with others in their company and work group.  Join corporate teamwork expert Bart Allen Berry for a full day of teamwork lecture, experiential exercises, self assessment, relationship mapping and personal teamwork skills development. 

This powerful one day workshop will provide any employee with the insights, perspectives, skills and approach to bring more personal effectiveness to their work situation but also to help lead a more productive teamwork climate with all the work groups they interact with. 


This is a great program for ‘problem employees’ as well as those who want to be pro-active about improving their effectiveness at work. Ideal for a 'mixed grooup of employees and basic teamwork skill building as oppossed to an intact work group.


$185. Per person  Program is delivered in English with Espanol Interpretation.

This is an open enrollment workshop ideal for any individual employee - as opposed to our team building programs for intact work groups and companies. 

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