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Every Employee


Online Course


Your Admin Page

Thankyou for signing up your company for this important and powerful Employee Training Course.  Applying The Ten Values Of Excellence to your enterprise can have huge positive and profitable impacts. 


Besides sharing the course link with each employee, make sure to take the course yourself so you can better understand and converse with your team on this important subject matter. 

Send this link to each of the employees you have paid for. You can send by Email, Messenger etc.  This link will take them directly to register and subsequently to their online course page:

Simply send your employees a message like:  


We are stating a new initiative to increase customer satisfaction at our business and you are a part of our customer satisfaction team. We're sending employees to a new online course on Customer Satisfaction so everyone can stay up to date with the latest Customer Satisfaction Practices and help to make our business known as one of the best in the eyes of our customers.  


Please register at the link below and take this short program at your earliest convenience.  We'll be focusing on what we do with customer satisfaction at our business and we want you to be a part of these important discussions and new developments to help our customers return more often and recommend us to others.  This is a valuable professional development course that will benefit every employee. 


Just follow this link to start your online course:

What To Expect: 

Your employees will have questions about what this course is, why you are doing it and what their responsibilities are in participating. We've taken care of that with the introduction to the course they will receive with the link.  Feel free to reinforce the administration of the course by introducing the course at your next employee meeting, simply talking about it one on one, or posting a course announcement in the normal way you communicate with your employees. 


If your announcements and course link you send out are introduced appropriately, employees will likely complete the course on their own within a few days.* 

*In such case as employees don't have a phone or computer to complete the course with you should make a device available to them at work.   


There's nothing else for you to do while you wait for your employees to complete this course.


When approximately 80% of the # of employees you have signed up for complete this course we will send you a Roll Up Employee Course Report.**

**If a long period of time goes by without a significant # of course completions we will reach out to you as a reminder or go ahead and/or process the course report to include all who have completed it to date.



This report will feature:


     List of all employees who have completed the course.

     Highlights of employee learning's including self identified strengths and weaknesses.

     Suggestions and ideas for improving customer satisfaction at your specific business.


This roll up report is not only valuable to see that each of your employees completes the course, but you will be able to identify issues in common across all of your employees, collect a set of new ideas about improving customer satisfaction at your business, and develop consensus in discussions with employees about the importance of customer satisfaction and what your business might focus on as most important going forward. 


This Roll Up Report will also prepare you to manage a group discussion about customer satisfaction at an upcoming employee meeting - referencing the highlights and learnings of "what your employees said" about the topic of customer satisfaction.  


This complete learning process can be administrated as quickly as you can get the course link to your employees so they can begin learning and applying this material right away. 


We've created some guidelines to lead a group discussion with your employees:    



Guidelines for Leading Customer Satisfaction Discussion Meetings With Your Employees

If you have a larger business with a lot of new hires, high turnover, or even multiple locations*, simply sign up for an adequate number of course registrations and we will continue to support your training with regular course reports.

*There are date and location indicators where we can separate different employee groups  or segments in your Roll Up Reports.   

Questions? Feedback?  Please feel free to reach out anytime:

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